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Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) Therapy

Traumatic Incident Reduction therapy is a one-on-one therapeutic technique performed by trained professionals, called “facilitators,” in a highly structured manner. TIR is considered a rapid therapy form as it may not last as long as traditional methods. Sessions are typically 60-90 minutes in length and generally offered weekly. The number of needed sessions is determined by each individual and their specific needs and progress.

TIR can work to improve negative thoughts and emotions; therefore, it can help to lower stress and anxiety, enhance a positive mindset, and increase pleasure. It can also help people to recognize their potential more fully and therefore become more self-efficient and have a greater expectancy of success.

I have more than 20 years of experience in counselling and work on Companion Animal grief, War Veteran Trauma, Group Debriefing and Individual Trauma.

Traumatic Incident Reduction E-Notes

“In deciding truth or falsity, all we have to go on is our own life experience. We have no direct knowledge of things outside our experience.  Epistemology, the study of how we know things, is senior to ontology, the study of what exists. We must start with what we know from our experience to arrive at a view of what does or does not exist. But that does not mean that there is no reliable way of determining truth or falsehood.” – Frank A Gerbode, MD
Photo by Kate Sorensen

Fear of Future Events (Probable or Improbable) 

by Frank A Gerbode. MD

As you may know, Traumatic Incident Reduction is excellent for resolving painful memories of stressful past events.  What if your attention is stuck, not on the past but the future?  What can be done about that?  You might think that nothing can be done, since the event we dread has not happened (yet).  Good news, there is an application known as – you guessed it – “Future TIR” that works very well.

Here are a few examples where Future TIR may be useful:

  • Fear of loss of a loved one
  • Fear of loss of a job or career
  • Fear of a medical condition, injury or accident
  • Fear of a social shaming event

(Specific case examples in the article if you follow “Read More…”)

It is possible that such fears may be rooted in the past.  If so, we can address them with TIR.  At the same time, being a person-centered method, Applied Metapsychology (the larger subject of which TIR is a key part), uses your attention and interest to discover the most useful way to proceed.

Read more

News Briefs
Record numbers of TIR Workshop Graduates are going on to become certified by Applied Metapsychology International. This means more available high quality service in many locations. Great work! TIR trainers and practitioners continue to present at conferences throught the world, stirring interest in the rewarding work of TIR and Applied Metapsychology as a whole.

Instructor _top left_ and TIR Workshop students in Trinidad and Tobago
TIR Workshops students in British Columbia_ Canada

Featured Publication


Beyond Psychology

Metapsychology is the science of human nature and experience as viewed by you–the one who experiences–from the inside out, not by an outside “expert” trying to look in. The methods of “Applied Metapsychology” recognize you as the authority at the center of your world of experience, and provide tools to enable you to improve personal relationships, increase personal power, and fashion your world into the loving, fascinating, and fulfilling place you always wanted it to be. Get the textbook.  If you want the definitive book on Applied Metapsychology, this is the one for you.

TIRbook link:


We hope you enjoy this issue of E-Notes. Please explore the website for further information.
* TIR, Traumatic Incident Reduction – involves re-experiencing past traumas in a completely safe environment, free of distractions, judgments, or interpretations until one reaches an “end point”, a point of resolution.

** Applied Metapsychology – implements practical applications, rooted in the philosophy of metapsychology, for the purpose of enhanced quality of life through trauma resolution, reduction of stress, development of abilities, improvement of relationships and self-esteem, personal growth and the exploration of human potential.

About me

I am a qualified Biomedical Engineer and a full-time Reverend in the Dutch Reformed Church in Krugersdorp, South Africa.

Henning Mostert

Area:  Krugersdorp, Gauteng

TIR Symposium at the four-star Hotel Bratislava in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Dear TIR Association Members –

Very good news!  Former Detective Chief Superintendent with London Metropolitan Police and Borough Commander for Kensington and Chelsea, Ellie O’Connor will speak at this year’s Symposium!

Ellie was the one in charge during the the Grenfell Tower fire and numerous other crisis situations.  She worked with Dr. John Durkin and a number of his students to bring TIR to police affected by these events.

A TIR facilitator herself, Ellie uses TIR to help colleagues on a regular basis.  She is a stirring speaker and will be a great asset to this year’s gathering.

18 days left to register to get the most advantageous Super Early Bird Special Discount!  Register now:


   best regards,  Marian
for the AMI/TIRA Administrative Team

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